Our chefs specialize in authentic and delicious Pizza food. The staff at Luigi's Pizza Fresca is devoted to serving customers mouthwatering dishes that feature the highest quality ingredients available. Regular Slice, Gourmet Slice and are all prepared quickly and delivered to you right away.
Luigi's Pizza Fresca uses only the freshest ingredients around, ensuring that every dish is of the highest possible quality. Not sure what you're in the mood for? Try one of our specialties including and more.
Monday - Sunday
10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
We Deliver To:
19130 | 19121
2401 Fairmount Ave, Philadelphia PA, 19130
Pizza Fairmount Pizza Brewerytown Pizza Spring Garden Pizza Logan Square Pizza North Philadelphia Pizza Francisville Pizza Sharswood Pizza Fishtown Pizza Northern Liberties Pizza Center City Pizza Rittenhouse Square Pizza Old City Pizza West Philadelphia Pizza Graduate Hospital Pizza University City Pizza Philadelphia Pizza Delivery Fairmount Pizza Delivery Brewerytown Pizza Delivery Spring Garden Pizza Delivery Logan Square Pizza Delivery North Philadelphia Pizza Delivery Francisville Pizza Delivery Sharswood Pizza Delivery Fishtown Pizza Delivery Northern Liberties Pizza Delivery Center City Pizza Delivery Rittenhouse Square Pizza Delivery Old City Pizza Delivery West Philadelphia Pizza Delivery Graduate Hospital Pizza Delivery University City Pizza Delivery Philadelphia Italian Food Fairmount Italian Food Brewerytown Italian Food Spring Garden Italian Food Logan Square Italian Food North Philadelphia Italian Food Francisville Italian Food Sharswood Italian Food Fishtown Italian Food Northern Liberties Italian Food Center City Italian Food Rittenhouse Square Italian Food Old City Italian Food West Philadelphia Italian Food Graduate Hospital Italian Food University City Italian Food Philadelphia